Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Welcome to Depth Chart Hoops!

My name is Mike and I am the creator and main contributer to Depth Chart Hoops. I started this blog simply because I care way too much about basketball. At the end of every college basketball season I always find myself a bit depressed that there is no more college ball to watch. This site takes its beginning from the general lack of college basketball news and information during the offseason.

I plan on writing at least three "Preview Posts" per week. These posts will focus on a specific team's past season, who they are losing, key returning players, incoming recruits, possible depth charts, and overall predictions.

In between each "Preview Post" I will occasionally post other interesting articles and news from around the college basketball world.

So if you love college basketball as much as I do, I hope you will enjoy reading and commenting on Depth Chart Hoops.



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